Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Say Goodbye to Glue, Tape and Sissors

I've tried a few different sites for making my own books and have fallen in love with My Publisher Bookmaker. Some folks from the Wall Street Journal reviewed several vendors and agreed, read the article. Thier free software is easy to download and use and I've been happy with the quality of thier books. So far I've made one for my mom with shots of all her grandchildren, grandmother (see two sample pages above)with shots of her children, grandchilren, and great grand children, one for my father-in-law's 60th birthday and two for kid's birthday presents, with titles like, "All About Kai," and "Levi's Big Adventures." If you are a Costco member you get 20% - and prices (before a minimum of $4.95 to ship) start at $9.95.

Taking favorite shots from your wedding and customizing books for key people is a great way to share memories of your big day. I love pictures, but there's only so much space on the walls. A book can easily be stashed away or displayed and offer enjoyment over the years.

For less than $20 they are also a good way to distribute senior pictures. They make good gifts for grandparents, girlfriends, parents and other special people.


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